Composed on the basis of the three tanka poems included in Man'yoshu, the earliest surviving anthology of Japanese poetry. Each of them expresses the poet's melancholic feeling of Japanese spring scenery. A tanka poem of a very succinct form broadens the readers' imagination more infinitely for its brevity. Therefore the composer tried to emphasize the essence in the ancient poem by getting rid of superfluous matters. It was selected for the one of the comparsory works of the JCA National Choral Competition in 1996.

ISBN 9784866040004
Format A4 12page
Price 550 JPY
Composer NOBUNAGA, Takatomi → Profile
Author of the text 大伴 家持
Text arranger
Type of ChoirMixed Chorus Tonality
Number of Voice Parts4 VoicingSATB div.
Language 1Japanese Language 2Romanized
Accompaniment A Cappella Duration6'30"
Song details